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Take a Quiz and Find Your Business Career Path


The education you get in business school involves more than just adding columns of figures and getting numbers to crunch correctly. A business career path is as wide-ranging and rife with possibility as those sets of numbers you’ll be dealing with.

In addition to the wide array of jobs to choose from after you graduate, there are many job responsibilities, networks, tasks and titles to navigate once you’re actually a practicing business professional.  But first, you’ll need to pick an area of specialty to major in.

Are you intrigued by business stalwarts such as accountingfinancemarketing or human resources, or would you rather get a degree in a newer, more dynamic field like international business or sports management? Where do your interests lie?

Take Our Quiz to See What Business Career Path is for You

We’ve devised a quiz to test your acumen on different business specialties. See if you can answer the following questions, and maybe you’ll discover the field of business that fires up your fancy.

  • 5 – 6 Correct: You’ll Take the Corporate Jet
  • 3 – 4 Correct: Strictly Business Class
  • 0 – 2 Correct: Go Back to Business School
  1. An actuary, who is an expert in statistics and data and uses their knowledge to assess risk, generally works in which industry:
  1. Automobile industry
  2. Insurance industry
  3. Real estate industry
  4. Human resources industry
  • 2. Which of the following is a requirement for those interested in entrepreneurship, which mixes business with creativity and innovation
  1. You must be able to stand for long hours
  2. You enjoy playing it safe
  3. You must be able to multitask
  4. You must be a computer expert
  • 3. Where does a systems analyst, who determines which software and programming are necessary to meet a business’s goals, generally fit in a corporate hierarchy?
  1. They work in Marketing
  2. They are short-term temp workers
  3. They are middle men between tech and business sides of the company
  4. None of the above
  • 4. Forensics and accounting seem like they should be miles apart on the career ladder, but forensic accountants, who combine accounting, investigative and auditing skills to interpret business and financial evidence, go against the grain of what the typical accountant is like. Knowing this, which type of case would a forensic accountant not handle?
  1. A bankruptcy case
  2. A divorce case
  3. A major fraud case
  4. A homicide
  • 5. Human resources generalists and specialists share some the same job responsibilities. Which of these is most likely to be true?
  1. HR generalists usually work in small- to mid-size companies, while specialists work in large companies
  2. Generalists are hands-on with employees, while specialists only deal with managerial problems
  3. Generalists resolve employee disputes and specialists only resolve labor disputes
  4. Specialists don’t help with training and employee development
  • 6. Which of these statements regarding product management is not true?
  1. A product manager is the same as a project manager
  2. Product managers follow a product through its entire life span
  3. A product manager may employ a project manager to help roll out a new product or service
  4. Product managers are usually in the marketing department

Answers: 1. b, insurance industry; 2. c, multitask; 3. c, middlemen between tech and business; 4. d, homicide; 5. a, generalists usually work in smaller companies and specialists in larger; 6. a, same as a project manager.