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Business administration salary in California

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Business administration is a diverse field encompassing a wide range of roles and responsibilities. Salaries in this field vary based on factors such as job title, experience, education and location. In California, one of the most economically vibrant states in the U.S., business administration professionals enjoy competitive salaries.

This article provides an overview of business administration salaries in California, comparing entrepreneurs, leadership roles, operations and general managers and supply chain managers.

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Quick snapshot of BA pay in CA

There are roughly 273,630 people employed as general and operations managers in California, making it the second largest employer (after Texas) in the U.S. says the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The median wage per hour is $59 and the forecasted job growth for the coming decade is 4.2%.

Some of the biggest employers of business administration operations managers, supply chain managers and leaders in the state are located in the Bay area and are, not surprisingly, focused on the tech industry:

Mountain View, CA. A major player in the tech industry, Google offers various business administration positions, including operations and supply chain management roles.
Apple Inc:
Cupertino, CA. As a leading technology company, Apple provides opportunities for business administrators in leadership and management positions.
Chevron Corporation:
San Ramon, CA. In the energy sector, Chevron employs business administrators in roles such as operations and general management.
The Walt Disney Company:
Burbank, CA. With a diverse range of business operations, Disney offers positions in business administration, particularly in leadership roles.
Kaiser Permanente:
Oakland, CA. As a large healthcare organization, Kaiser Permanente employs business administrators in roles related to operations and management.

Business administration salary California statistics

While the median salary for business administration professionals—a category that includes careers in management, sales, marketing and a number of other business fields—is just over $76,850 a year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, pay may vary depending upon several factors, including where you work and live and the cost of living, how much experience you have, what certifications you have earned and your level of education.

Salaries for different business admin roles in California

Entrepreneurs in California often see a wide range of incomes based on the success of their ventures. Small business owners may earn anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 annually, while successful entrepreneurs leading large companies can earn millions.
Leadership roles:
Executives and top-level managers, such as CEOs and CFOs, command substantial salaries. Chief Executive Officers in California can earn anywhere from $150,000 to several million dollars annually, depending on the size and industry of the company.
Operations and general managers:
The salaries for operations and general managers in California typically range from $80,000 to $150,000 per year. The pay varies based on the industry, company size, and the manager's level of experience.
Supply chain managers:
Supply chain managers play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services. In California, supply chain managers can earn between $70,000 and $120,000 annually, with variations depending on the industry and company size.

Median business administration salary in California

The median annual salary for general and operations managers in California is $122,140. Even with its dominant tech industry, California does not rank in the top five paying states in the U.S. for general and operations managers. However, it's important to note that salaries may be based on experience, education and location within the state.

General and Operations Managers
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Median Hourly Wage$59

Job growth4.2%

Total Employment273,630

Metro area Median Salary Bottom 10% Top 10%
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA $166,660 $74,720 N/A
San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA $143,250 $73,070 N/A
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA $118,920 $61,110 N/A
Sacramento--Roseville--Arden-Arcade, CA $115,860 $62,930 $227,410
Vallejo-Fairfield, CA $114,310 $61,230 $236,090
Napa, CA $113,620 $66,910 N/A
Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA $110,670 $61,100 $235,260
Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA $109,650 $55,360 N/A
Santa Rosa, CA $109,130 $62,510 $223,760
Salinas, CA $108,580 $56,410 $227,440

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2023 median salary; projected job growth through 2032. Actual salaries vary depending on location, level of education, years of experience, work environment, and other factors. Salaries may differ even more for those who are self-employed or work part time.

Salary range for a business administration career in California

The salary range for general and operations professionals in California typically spans from $61,500 to well over $178,870 per year. This accounts for entry-level positions to senior-level roles and takes into consideration the other factors such as experience, education and time in the position.

Pay by metro area within California

Your earning level may depend upon where you live within a state. For example, cities tend to pay better than rural or less populated areas. If your city is an industry hub, say you work in business and you live in the Bay area, which has several high profile technology giants, pay may be more competitive. While the BLS reports that California is the second highest employer of general and operations managers in the country, and that majority of workers are paid the best in financial and securities industries, you can see that California does take the top spot for highest pay for general and operations managers by metro area. Considering that area is San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, you can bet the industries that dominate that location is technology-driven.

Metro Area Median Annual Salary
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA $166,660
Trenton, NJ $154,790
San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA $143,250
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV $142,730
Sioux Falls, SD $139,070
New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA $138,630
Boulder, CO $135,850
Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT $134,530
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA $134,040
Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO $133,220

Factors affecting business administration salaries in California

Several factors influence what your business administration salary may be in California. These primary factors may include:

More experienced professionals often command higher salaries.
Education and professional certifications:
Advanced degrees and certifications may positively impact salary levels. Since business is generally competitive in nature, master's degrees and MBAs are usually the norm.
Industry and company size:
Salaries can vary significantly across industries, with technology and healthcare often offering higher compensation. The size of the company can also impact salary levels. Larger companies generally offer higher salaries, especially for leadership roles.
Geographic location and cost of living:
Salaries may vary between cities in California, with metropolitan areas typically offering higher pay.

How can I know if I am being paid fairly as a business administrator in California?

To ensure you are being paid correctly in California, here are some steps you can take to assess whether your compensation aligns with industry standards:

  • Research industry standards: Utilize salary surveys and industry reports to understand average compensation for your role.
  • Discuss your concerns: Connect with other professionals in your industry through networking events, online forums or professional associations. Engage in conversations about compensation to understand what others with similar roles and experience are earning.
  • Know your worth: Evaluate your experience, skills and contributions to justify fair compensation.
  • Consider where you live: Salaries can vary within California based on the cost of living and dominant industries in different regions.
  • Understand your company policies: Familiarize yourself with your company's policies on compensation and benefits. Understand how performance reviews and salary adjustments are handled within the organization.
  • Seek feedback: Ask your supervisor or HR department to discuss your performance and compensation, and air any concerns about other employees in the same role who seem to have more privileges.

Education and training for CA

While most entry-level positions may require a bachelor's degree, many business administration professionals pursue advanced degrees such as an MBA or master's degree for career advancement. Consider this education path:

The good news is many MBA degree programs are available online as well as in a classroom based format

Cost of living considerations for CA

California has a high cost of living, especially in major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Job seekers should consider housing, transportation and other living expenses when negotiating salaries.

California's cost of living is, on average 42% higher than the national average—with housing around 101% higher than the national average, says RentCafe, though there is no state income tax.

RentCafe lists the highest cost of living cities in California as: Sunnyvale, San Francisco, Anaheim, Los Angeles and San Jose. There are cities closer to the median point but they do not list any cities with a lower cost of living than the national average.

California professional associations and networking

Professional associations provide valuable networking opportunities, development resources and a platform for industry professionals to stay up to date on the latest trends and best practices in their respective field of business administration. You may want to consider attending events or becoming a member to continue your professional and educational growth and to connect with like-minded individuals in California.

California Association for Microenterprise Opportunity (CAMEO): Supports entrepreneurs and small business owners.

California Association of Business Brokers (CABB): Focuses on the interests of business brokers and intermediaries.

California Association of Health Plans (CAHP): Relevant for business administrators in the healthcare sector.

California Supply Chain Professionals (CSCMP): A resource for supply chain managers and professionals.

Business administration salaries in California are influenced by various factors, offering a dynamic range of opportunities for professionals in this field. By understanding industry standards, conducting research and staying informed about relevant professional associations, individuals can navigate their career paths and ensure fair compensation in California's competitive job market. Use this guide as a starting point to make informed decisions about your career path, negotiating salaries and for setting realistic expectations for your educational and professional future.

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Written and reported by:

All Business Schools Staff

Published: December 29, 2023